Steps for Creating Environmentally Sustainable Rituals and Ceremonies.

Green Ocha Pledge

Reusable Cleaning Cloths

I will use reusable cloths for cleaning unless it is not appropriate to do so. Practitioners get rips and stains on their whites all the time instead of throwing them away-Tear them into rag size pieces and throw them away after you use them or better yet reuse them over and over again.

  • To make one ton of paper towels, it requires 17 trees and 20,000 gallons of water. Furthermore, from one tree, you can manufacture approximately 118 paper towel rolls using 1,176.47 gallons of water.

Fair Trade and Palm Oil

I will use Fair Trade Palm Oil

  • Palm oil is notorious for destroying the habitats of wildlife, especially endangered orangutans.

Organic, Fair Trade and Halal

I will buy organic, fair trade and halal produce and animals to ensure that chemicals are not added. Grow your own food without chemicals. Raise animals without the use of chemicals.

  • Toxic Chemicals cause health problems and destroy the planet.

Local Farms and Farmer’s Market

I will buy local food from farmers markets and local farms to lessen pollution caused by cars and trucks.

  • Produce that is shipped causes greenhouse gas emissions and is expensive.

Non-Toxic Metals

I will use stainless steel, brass, gold and other non-toxic metals whenever possible to prevent toxic chemicals

  • Lead and aluminum are a few of the toxic metals that are used for tools. These metals can cause many acute and chronic health effects.