Kindred Energy -Ibu Acuaro & Quan Yin


The Energy of Oshun Ibu Akuaro

Oshun Ibú Akuaro is a young Oshun. The quail is her messenger. She lives where the river meets the ocean and under the Waterfall. She is gentle and considered a charity worker. The energy of the charity worker is similar to the work of a boddhisatva. Sacrificing yourself for the good of the whole.

The Energy of Quan Yin

Compassion is her middle name. The energy Quan Yin expresses is akin to what a mother feels for her child—it is fiercely loving and protective, which is much stronger energy than what we usually associate with compassion. As the legend goes, even though Quan Yin attained enlightenment, just as she was about to enter heaven's gate, she paused at the doorway and, hearing the cries of the world, decided to return and help humankind find the right path.

She took the vow to help humans, thus Quan Yin is known as the female Bodhisattva.

Placements of Quan Yin for Good Feng Shui

  • Quan Yin can be a powerful cure in the annual feng shui flying star applications. Find out where her energy is most needed in a specific year and then place your statue of Quan Yin in the affected Bagua area. This will neutralize the negative energy of annual feng shui stars and strengthen the protective energy in and around your home.

  • Never place your Quan Yin statue on the floor, in the kitchen, or the bathroom. A height of at least 3 feet is recommended for your Quan Yin statue's good feng shui placement.

  • You can also place the statue of Quan Yin close to your front door, facing the entrance. This will create a protective quality of energy at your entrance (the mouth of chi), as well as the most welcoming sight when coming home.


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