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Feng Shui for Kid’s Spaces

They’re so adorable, but is it possible to have a Funki Shui’d house with small children wreaking havoc.

We all know that exploration is a sign that children are developing normally, figuring out how to organize their world. But do they have to open every drawer in the kitchen or grab the toilet paper and run through the house?

Parents usually go back and forth between the Organizer/Sergeant and let them be free ( both are exhausting but one is at the beginning of the day and the other).

As I watched my granddaughter pull every pot out of the dishwasher in less than the 5 minutes it took me to put the laundry in the washer, I thought I would share some basic Feng Shui principles to help you as we settle into the new school year.

Yin and Yang

Children need a balance of (Yang) Outward Energy and (Yin) Inward Energy. Imagine the loud sound of a child playing video games. This is the ultimate form of Yang energy. Unfortunately, the best solution would be to resist allowing electronics in the child’s bedroom but this is not realistic in our 2021 post-pandemic-where the children have lived their entire life online world.

To counteract the strong Yang energy that can happen in a Child’s bedroom, I suggest a humidifier with an essential oil component. Lavender oil and moisture in the air will provide the child with a good environment for sleep.

Lavender Spray can be used instead of a humidifier.

Water in a Child’s room can be very peaceful, but keep in mind the Child’s year of birth and the direction that the child is sleeping and studying in.

Metal If you have metal beds be sure and balance them with wood. Metal can be very cold in a child’s room and we want to make their room a place where they want to go.

Don’t forget to have something alive in the child’s room like a plant, a fish, or a pet. It is good to teach them about nature and taking care of other beings.

Healthy Homes

It is important to have a healthy, dust-free environment for the child. Try and find mattress covers that are natural and water-resistant like a wool sheet that is used for cribs.

If your child has a bunk bed, make sure you clean in between the slats of the bed. A lot of dust can get trapped in there and trust me it’s better to clean before an allergic reaction.

Make an oil with essential oils with your child and encourage them to dust their wood furniture with it. My “Big Mama” always made me feel grown and responsible by giving me the job of dusting and I loved it.